Today I felt like a proper Mam…the hoover wouldn’t suck up anymore and I fixed it! I don’t really know why, out of the many things I have done today, this has made me feel mightily successful and like what a Mam should do. Hannah and I worked as a team and I even had to get my screwdriver set out – my screwdriver set, not Andrew’s, but my very own! I hope I will remember this, but just in case, I shall jog my memory by mentioning balancing the hoover of a chair and sticking the flute cleaner down the pipe and willing the built up dirt to come out! At times it really felt like I was a midwife more than a Mam and although, in all fairness a new baby is far more exciting than a piece of sponge and a ball of fluff, the shouts of ‘it’s nearly here, just one more push’ were well rewarded in the end. Hannah even got a hot chocolate with marshmallows to enjoy.
I guess some of my childhood memories are of my Mum doing the exact same thing. I remember thinking she was a genius for working these things out. I think I was a genius for getting the thing working again – although I think it is a massive design flaw that the pipe doesn’t come out (if it does I never want to know as that would ruin this for me ha ha). It was tempting to phone Andrew, but with Hannah by my side we managed it with just us girls. I have no idea if Hannah knew what she was getting herself into, but she stayed the distance and watching her shine the phone light down the tube to examine what was happening made me think she was enjoying herself. I hope she has these memories of her own and when she is older and goes through the same thing that she’ll remember our triumph today.
Other than the hoover incident it has been a relatively quiet day. Yesterday was a full day and we went swimming to South Shields. This morning I had my last proper lazy morning as Andrew is off tomorrow and so we’ll be doing loads. It’s also the Temple trip on Saturday and then it is all back to normal.
Seth had his eye appointment today as the eye infirmary. He did really well and did the letters for the first time today. There is still a difference between his eyes, but they are pausing the patching until the next visit.
Right family movie time…it’s the only way to end the day on a dark and cold night in the holidays!