Half Term

It feels as if the only time I ever write is when the holidays are here.  This is probably because the time is not as regimented as during term time.  We needed this holiday…and we needed the extra hour…and we needed the lies in and lazy days.

Today Andrew was off work so we went to Roseberry Topping.  After the Alps this feels more like Penshaw Monument than the highest point for miles around.  It was fun and we had the usual…let’s call it…family banter!  At one point Hannah did refuse to come down one of the hills because she was sulking after getting in trouble for pushing Elizabeth.  We tried and failed at the ‘wait and she’ll come by herself’ routine.  I eventually had to get her as a well meaning dog walker was talking to her and trying to make sure she was ok.

On the whole though we were a relaxed and relatively happy family.  We tried flying the kite, which was fun and then just messed around really.

Seth was pretending to rock climb using a chain of loom bands, which made everyone laugh and which then meant he did it over and over again.  We got some videos and pictures of things on Andrew’s new toy, a camera.  I’ll see if I can upload them.

Andrew is now 37 – 3 years till 40! Crazy stuff.  He had a good birthday and I, for once, did quite well in helping him enjoy himself.  I should begin a 3 year plan now so we can go away for his 40th birthday.  I will need 3 years to plan it…finding places for the kids to go!

This last weekend I went with Hannah Sarson to see Leanne and new baby Dexter.  We had a great time and did an immense amount of chatting.  I have been friends with Hannah for nearly 30 years!

Right, tea is done!




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