I imagined that as life slowed down in the holidays I would have time to update the blog…reality has taken over imagination and as I flake out on the sofa after 9 every night blogging is the last thing I have energy to do. However this lack of energy has been created as we enjoy the complete lack of routine and going back to the absolute basics of life….never in the routine of school could I sit and play ’11’ with Beth and also watch my amazingly strong kids carry bricks from the back to the front because their Mam decided to knock something down. Ahhhhh the lack of routine and the joys of being ‘us’.
I know I should really write about our holiday but, as always, I’m waiting for the photos. It was amazing and we have discovered our new family destination. We climbed mountains, touched clouds, swam in lakes and nearly bought all of Decathlon!!
We have just got back from Sheffield today. We drove through a massive thunderstorm, but the actual weather whilst we were there was sumny. We managed to get a parking ticket and help a distruaght woman find her child…I loved sitting with my sisters on the park having a good gossip. It made me want to move to sheffield, but the traffic soon put me off ha ha.
This week we said goodbye to Sophie and Tiffsny. They have moved to Colchester and Adam will find it the hardest. He keeps asking if we have ever had a friend move away. I did, Lisa Mayfield, but she wasnt a friend like Sophie and she was from school and not church…for Adam it is both. Tomorrow will be hard.
Rebekah went to Sheffield for a few days to stay at Holly’s. She enjoyed it and was sad we came to get her a day early. Jaime described them as opposites…actually a lot like we were as kids.
On a different note, Andrew is injured. He’s not sure how or why but he is really frustrated. He had a niggle in his back and then picked up a rubble sack and his back gave way. He never takes tablets, but he needed some ibrufofen today. Hopefully it goes quickly.
We have done the usual Beamish trip, been swimming and sorted through the clutter of the house.
I am feeling very fragile about September and whilst we are in August I am thinking only of August. Some people have commented that I will now have my life back…but my life never went away…this has been my life and I have loved it. I have loved having the kids at home. I have loved it and I will miss it.
Arghhh the battery is dying!!